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Cool folks wanted! Escape rooms company need help with new project

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MindMaze Prague is looking for a cool people to help us with the new project. We are one of the best escape room and we have one of the best games worldwide. But we're also offering many different kinds of team games and activities such as escape games, online games for remote teams, treasure hunt or even outdoor adventures and is currently preparing a field game which includes creating an outdoor puzzle in Ostrava.
Therefore we are looking for someone based in Ostrava who will be part of our new project and also has a knowledge about the local area and who is interested in doing a cca 6-8 hours job for 1000 CZK during the upcoming 2 weeks.
Communication in English is necessary.

Your tasks will be:
· To help us select the right area in Ostrava (we seek a park preferably with water nearby e.g. as Stromovka in Prague);
· Consult with us in a cca 30 minutes video call - we would explain you the game verbally and answer your questions, you would talk about the locations that could fit the criteria;
· Visit the selected location in person, take pictures, look for landmarks that could be used in our game. Send us the pictures with comments;
· Consult with us in a cca 30 minutes video call;
· We either send you material by post, or send you documents via email that you can print in your local copyshop on specified paper (it will be transparent stickers) - if we managed to find the right landmarks together, this step may be not necessary;
· You place sticker(s) on benches and similar objects (we do not vandalize trees or other plants, and remain subtle with the stickers);
· In case we are required to make changes, we may ask your help again;
· Complete the tasks within 2 weeks.

We expect that you will need to spend in total about 6-8 hours on the project, including at least 2 visits to the location in person, possibly 3-4 visits.
You would receive 1000 CZK + we would cover the costs of materials once you completed the tasks and we have a working puzzle. If you are interested in this job, please, send us a short introduction of yourself + why we should choose you. Please, note that during this job you will be communicating with a non-CZ speaking person, so we insist on good english knowledge skills

Mzda:1 000 Kč/Úkol
Počet míst:1
Vhodné i pro:Absolventi

Lokalita: Ostrava
ID inzerátu: 3865662     Vloženo: 23.04.2021
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