Fajn Brigády

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<< Zpět

Tourist guide / pruvodce

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Prague Saints, the Czech Republic’s leading incoming travel agency for gay visitors, is looking for part time guides to lead tours of Prague, by day and by night. Previous guiding experience is not essential although a good knowledge of the city is helpful. We will provide training. Applicants should speak good English and be outgoing, personable and gay friendly. This job would suit a student with some free hours during the daily and evening schedule. If you are interested please email us to poslat email if possible with a cv and photo.

English language (fluent), good communication skills, good knowledge of the city of Prague.

Flexible work hours, opportunity to meet people from all over the world.

Mzda:Dle domluvy
Počet míst:2

Lokalita: Praha
ID inzerátu: 1103445     Vloženo: 21.04.2015
Provozovatel portálu
Fajn skupina pracovních portálů s.r.o.
Janová 216
755 01
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nabídka brigád z celé ČR i zahraničí