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<< Zpět

Administration assistant ENG + CZ

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Nice to see that you're interested in this position and you speak English!

I'm looking for an administrative assistant for my business. You must speak & read English at C1, C2 level and native Czech. Past experience with finance sector in Czech republic is a big plus.

Work can be done online. Pay is 150 CZK / hour on probation level, but can and will increase depending on cooperation. Work is based on agreement contract. The amount of hours per week can vary. Depending on cooperation, more tasks can be done.

What you will do:
- Contacting financial institutions to get information
- Filling in contracts
- Solving interventions
- Other

What is expected:
- Responsibility regarding deadlines
- Efficiency
- Very organized


150 czk per hour starting

Mzda:150 - 300 Kč/hod.
Počet míst:1

Lokalita: Praha 1
ID inzerátu: 3707889     Vloženo: 23.10.2020
Provozovatel portálu
Fajn skupina pracovních portálů s.r.o.
Janová 216
755 01
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