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<< Zpět

aupair Švýcarsko s angličtinou

více o nabídce >>

• Married couple with 2 kids, ages 4 years and 5 months
• Both host parents are from the French speaking part of Switzerland. Languages they speak: French, German, English and Swedish
• The family is living in Thalwil which is about 7 km from Zürich away. Therefore, very good and frequent public transport to Zürich
• Older kid goes to Kindergarten (every morning and 1-2 afternoon) and baby is in day care
• Both host parents work full time, host mum might work 1day/week from home
• Aupair tasks: care for kids, i.e. prepare them in the morning, 2-3x/week prepare small lunch for older kid/eat with her, tidy up after eating, play with kid in the afternoon, keep house tidy and clean, support with laundry (incl. ironing),
• Aupair has her own room and bathroom

seriozní jednání

Nástup:01.08.2015 - 01.08.2016
Mzda:700 EUR/měs.
Úroveň jazyku:Angličtina - Pokročilý

Lokalita: Švýcarsko
ID inzerátu: 1084859     Vloženo: 07.04.2015
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